unpredictable time

How to deal with your hair in this unpredictable period and thrive

It’s been a while since I have posted. The last few weeks have been extremely unpredictable and shocking. Since the announcement of the pandemic worldwide there has been some panic and some people have acted in complete opposite to what you would expect. Kindness and giving should be mandated and if you have the capacity to assist a neighbor in need, most definitely do it.

I am reaching out to those that maybe cannot see their hairdresser in this period of time. Maybe you were due for a hair-cut but since the impact of the virus, you cannot do anything.

I have a few videos on YouTube that I enjoy and I think there has never been a better time to learn about your hair in a better way. Get to know your porosity so that you can use the right products, use up the products that you have already and if there are any that don’t work for you, put them aside and give them to someone else who they would suit.

This is a great time to deal with what is working for you. Spend time with the family and hug them as much as you can. Although this was completely unexpected, you need to stay strong in this perilous time in history.


This is a great idea for those that love to be creative but you could create a whatsup group with your friends that you like to share ideas with. What do you want to do with your hair at this stage? Share a few clips from YouTube and help each other if there are ways in which you can make a suggestion as to the suitable styles that would suit your friend. If you have a dedicated hairdresser, you can still give them a ring and ask questions, I think there’s nothing wrong in reaching out.

Focus on yourself

This is a great time to reflect on your life, what goals and dreams do you want to achieve in the next 5- 10 years. What can you do to improve yourself at this stage. What books are you reading at this stage? Do you want to study something that you are passionate about? Have you had a look through some free classes? This is some time you can work on improving yourself and your skills.

Stay healthy

It is extremely important to stay healthy at this time. It’s very easy to become discouraged, especially if you just lost your job or if you happen to have any tragic event. If you have the opportunity to keep yourself working out and staying healthy it will help you stay focused. Also, if you have any individuals that you know would be good mentors, it’s great to reach out and speak to them or others who you trust. Make sure that you eat well especially now that quarantine will be expected for a period of time.

Spring Clean

If you are working from home, prepare yourself a timetable every day and make sure that you save some time to clean those things out that you already have. I think that in this period of time, where individuals have accumulated so much, we don’t need anymore things, honestly if you have clothes that do not fit you and are in great condition, just wash them well and put them aside in little bags, once the curfew in your area is over, best to give them always. Throw away any items you have been holding on to, if you have not touched something for more than 6 months, there is a high possibility that you will never use it.

Family Time

If you have not had a chance to bond with your family, this is the best time to bond with your family. It can be through the various technological tools that we have, or it could be through board games that you have available in your house. If you don’t have any, just look for them online it’s so good to be able to just see how the mind of your family members work and the tricks some of them can try to get up to.


In this unpredictable time, it’s important to spend time in prayer. I always spend time reading one of the greatest books on earth and spend time in prayer. If you have not had a chance to reconnect there has never been a better time than today. I really think that it’s vital to develop a relationship with God if you don’t have one at this stage. If you are a member of any church, it’s a good idea to join them online if they have any type of meetings online.

Catch up

If you would like to catch up with any programs or movies or documentaries, there has never been a better time. For me I have been watching some programs that I have not had a chance to watch but since, I normally have other activities, I don’t really get to watch too many things.


Music is medicine to the soul, if you can just get your favorite tracks and listen to them, music can just move you. It’s also fun to check out some newer types of music out there.


This is a great time to experiment with a recipe that you may not have had a chance to do in a while. It’s also great to share the results with members of the family that love to be your tasters.

Unfortunately because you cannot meet with others, you may just have to call them through the net and show them what you have done.

Start a digital business

There has never been a better time to start your own business, although before going straight into it, it’s wise to have some education on that. If you are interested, I have put a link below where you can get ideas on how to get started for free. There has never been a better time to start.

Stay Safe

If you can avoid going outside just don’t go outside unnecessarily. If you don’t have a choice because of work or other valuable things, then stay safe. If we work together, we will defeat this.

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