The impact of the pandemic had brought about the feeling that things are out of control, including your hair care regimen. During this time when you have more time to prepare yourself, it’s time to learn how to do the basic, such as trimming your own natural hair especially if you cannot visit your hairdresser. Additionally, it’s a time to keep busy although you are confined. It’s been difficult for most individuals, however something I have learnt over the course of the days that have gone by is that when you start looking inward, try and remember those that are around you. If you can help your neighbour next to you, it will make a world of difference in how you feel.
Hair Ideas
The beginning of this pandemic, brought about fear and anxiety to many individuals. I know that in some countries, individuals have curfews, while in others people have actually been confined to their houses. At this stage, you have so much time to be creative and come up with ideas on what you can do. During this period, I came up with a little diary where I could stick the type of hairstyles and it is free.
It’s a time to explore different colours and styles especially now that you have the time.
This is a great time to moisturize your hair as often as you can. If you want a reference to the type of moisturisers you can use, I have included a link to the moisturisers that I use. This has been a great time for me to learn which moisturisers work well on my hair and which one’s I should avoid buying next time. One thing I have done is that I will not purchase any other products until I finish using the ones that I have. The problem with accumulating many products, something that I do not promote is risking having some expire on you.
I would not advice you to cut your own hair, but if you know how to do it, go for it. However, if you don’t really know what to do, a good trim should help you in minimizing split ends and also having hair that looks healthy at the end of the lockdown.
You can always book in sometime to see the individual that cuts your hair. I think that it’s important to look after your hair even with this tough time. If there are any new skills you want to try when it comes to doing your hair, there are so many wonderful individuals on Youtube.
Watching what you eat
I realised that a lot of my friends have been complaining about the fact that they can’t help themselves but eat a bit too much. I think it’s good to keep yourself busy and you can start by learning a new skill. If you want to start a business, I have a link that you can use to set one up for free. If you have time, don’t hesitate.
Additionally, when you go shopping, make sure you are picking the right types of foods that will not cause you to overeat. If you are constantly hungry, that means you may not be hydrated. It’s a good idea to be hydrated, it minimizes your hunger. I also find that eating food that keep you fuller for longer is also useful in getting you to be less hungry.
There are many ways to keep you preoccupied. If you have any children this is a great time to teach them something that they do not know. That means there is no excuse to overeat and you can always keep healthy.
Don’t forget that you can exercise even in a confined space, 30 minutes per day is the requirement for adults.
This may be a challenging time for everyone, however don’t focus on yourself, seek to serve others and also when you require that moment to be by yourself you can always get it. This is a season to think about all those things that you probably have not done and develop talents and skills that you can use once things get back to some type of normal. As they say “this too shall pass”. If you require any assistance with anything don’t feel afraid to reach out.
Finally, try and be more positive by the time this period of time will be over you will be able to meet with your friends and they will think that you have been pampered the whole time.
What tips would you give someone at this time?